CPA Committees and Working Groups

The CPA as an association is its members and the wealth of expertise, skill and knowledge they possess and share. The CPA relies heavily on the work of the volunteers who serve on its various committees and working groups, as well as the external representatives who sit on the CPA’s Board of Directors.

You will find information on our committees and working groups below. Consider lending your time and expertise to a CPA activity; run for election to the Board of Directors, join the executive of a CPA Section, or volunteer to sit on a Board working group or Committee. This work brings tremendous opportunity to contribute to organized psychology in Canada and to the impact the science and practice of psychology has on public policy.

If you would like to contact a committee for any reason or would like information on the wealth of opportunities within the CPA, please contact us at

Terms of Reference for CPA Working Groups and the Development of Public Policy

CPA Working Group Reports